Jumat, 26 Mei 2017

A Little Simple Note about Marriage

I don't know why many people want to get married so bad. I always think (and I bet you will agree) that the real life's goal is happiness, and marriage is even obviously not. It just one of many ways to reach the  life's goal. So, don't I want to get married? Of course I do because it's a God destiny. But the only my wish, I just want to realize it in the appropriate time. Yeah, I am pretty sure that God has set it so well because He is the only one who knows what the best things for his ummah. So, what makes us worry?
One more important thing: marriage is neither about how old we are, nor about the ability of our finance to handle it. The appearing question is when we got a job and salary enough, do we have to get married immediately? 
Marriage is not as simple as that. Sorry, I even call it as a joke. Too much rules in our life. So don't make something be more complicated where we actually should be free to play it, just because of obey the mainstream perspective.
Marriage is more about maturity. The maturity to face all life problems (after married), interpret and solve everything with the wise thought and solutions. Maybe it seems too serious. We can even say everything will be done by time. Whatever... But at least, now we can spend our bachelorette age to plan and prepare our future well, right?  Yes. Everything starts today.
Be patient, be mature, and be a good person. Cheers...
#IMHO #NoWorries

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